Dieses Bild zeigt David Hirning, M.Sc.

David Hirning, M.Sc.


Vergabe studentischer Arbeiten
Institut für Leistungselektronik und Elektrische Antriebe
[Foto: ILEA]


+49 711 685 67371
+49 711 685 67378

Visitenkarte (VCF)

Pfaffenwaldring 47
70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 1.250, ETI 1


Sprechstunde für studentische Arbeiten:
Donnerstags in der Zeit von 14:00 Uhr bis 15:00 Uhr im Raum 1.251 (Büro David Hirning).

  1. 2023

    1. Ziegler, P., Bura, M., Haarer, J., Marx, P., Hirning, D., Roth-Stielow, J.: Signal Processing Design for Wide Bandwidth Hybrid Current Sensor based on Enhanced Analog Operational Amplifier Circuit. 2023, IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications. Volume 12 Pages, 635–642 (2023).
  2. 2022

    1. Ziegler, P., Bura, M., Haarer, J., Marx, P., Hirning, D., Roth-Stielow, J.: Optimization Approaches for the Signal Processing of Hybrid Current Sensors. In: IEEE (ed.) 2022 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Himeji 2022- ECCE Asia). pp. 506–513 (2022).
    2. Marx, P., Seybold, F., Ziegler, P., Hirning, D., Roth-Stielow, J.: Investigations on the Active Reduction of Common Mode Noise with Opposing Noise Sources. In: 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’22 ECCE Europe). pp. 1–9. IEEE (2022).
    3. Hirning, D., Bauer, L., Ruthardt, J., Haarer, J., Ziegler, P., Roth-Stielow, J.: Online Junction Temperature Measurement of SiC-MOSFETs via Gate Impedance Using the Gate-Signal Injection Method. In: IEEE (ed.) 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’22 ECCE Europe). pp. 1–9 (2022).
    4. Ziegler, P., Festerling, T., Haarer, J., Marx, P., Hirning, D., Roth-Stielow, J.: Influences of Parasitic Capacitances in Wide Bandwidth Rogowski Coils for Commutation Current Measurement. In: IEEE (ed.) 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’22 ECCE Europe). pp. 1–10 (2022).
    5. Haarer, J., Eckstein, M., Ziegler, P., Marx, P., Hirning, D., Roth-Stielow, J.: A Calorimetric and Electrical Method for Measuring Loss Energies of Half-Bridges. In: IEEE (ed.) 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’22 ECCE Europe). pp. 1–9 (2022).
  3. 2021

    1. Ruthardt, J., Hirning, D., Sharma, K., Nitzsche, M., Ziegler, P., Fischer, M., Roth-Stielow, J.: Investigations on Online Junction Temperature Measurement for SiC-MOSFETs Using the Gate-Signal Injection Method. In: 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). pp. 5354–5359 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1109/ECCE47101.2021.9595166.
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